Advice for Teenagers, Alone-Ness, Breathe, Commentary, Enjoy The Journey, Life, Love, Loving Things Living, Rise, Teenagers, Religion and How Grace Changes Things

“Teenagers, What I Want You to Know”

There are so many things that I want to tell young people. That time in life when you are searching for meaning, looking for your place, trying to fit in. If you will give me your ear, I promise I will not judge. Here are a few suggestions that may make the journey a little less painful.

1. Pain is normal. Everyone feels it. Don’t run from pain, lean into it and allow yourself to take shape. Life is a series of ups and downs, without the downs you wouldn’t appreciate the ups and it’s the ride that will color your life and make you strong. This idea that you are the only one feeling what your feeling is common. Those feelings are very real and in some cases frightening, it’s ok. You are not in this fight alone. It is in these times that you reach beyond yourself, beyond your reasoning and your age to something higher. It’s now that you begin to lean on and trust your creator. God equipped you with everything you need and even when you can’t see it or feel it, trust Him. He has got you, just trust Him. Tell Him you trust Him, give the pain to Him, give the confusion, the heartache, the fear to Him and trust that He has you.

2. You will make mistakes, it’s a part of the growing process. No one on the planet can do it all right. Be willing to acknowledge your need for help. There is nothing shameful or weak in needing help with things. Anyone that tells you that you shouldn’t ask questions and get help is doing damage, don’t listen, don’t be a part of the lie. It is this very willingness to admit your weakness that brings you your greatest strength. When you are weak He is strong. God isn’t afraid of your weakness, He knows you are imperfect, He is cool with that. He made you so you will trust Him, not so you will do it all yourself. Trust Him and at the same time allow others to be used by Him to help you.

3. Your identity is not found in labels. No matter what label you have been given, whether good or bad, whether positive or negative. You may be gifted and talented, you may have ADHD, you may be athletic, you may be musical, and you may have no idea at all what you are. These things do not identify you. What identifies you comes from where you get your life. As a believer your life is not music, athletics, sexuality, diagnosis, these are not your life. These are things your life deals with, but who you are is who Christ is. Who you are is loved, forgiven, new and right, just to name a few. In fact, Christ is your life. Recognize that, acknowledge that and the labels and the diagnosis are just a part of your journey. Enjoy the journey, but don’t mistake those things for your life. Someday the athletics will end, the talent will fade, the diagnosis will not be such a burden, but Christ will always be your life, allow Him to live through you.

4. If you are in a situation and something doesn’t feel right, listen to that and act on it. Trust your heart. Listen to the still small voice in your heart and allow it to guide you. It will save you from mistakes, hurt and disappointment. Listen to those who have had this journey already, people like your grandparents. Respect their knowledge and their years. They may have different views than you, but try and see the world through their eyes. You don’t have to agree, but listen, respect and give them your time. Theirs is limited.

5. Finally, when you are laying in your bed at night with the lights out and your eyes closed, think about Christ life moving through your hormones and your veins. See His light transforming you, see yourself swimming around in it. Drink it in. Try and imagine the depth of the love that He has for you, with no regard for faults, or labels. Accept that love, see yourself running in a wide-open field of it. Then wake up knowing that His life is your life, His strength is your strength, His peace is your peace, His mind is your mind and go conquer the day!

Wynema I Clark – 4/24/2017

"It Is Finished", Breathe, Commentary, Cross, Enjoy The Journey, Floods of Rest, Gospel, Life, Love, Ministry, Poetry, Religion; spirituality, Religious

Floods Of Rest

An obsession with right and wrong had stolen my liberation most of my life. I wanted badly to get it right. It being my theology, my life, my character, my family, everything. But I got confusion and frustration and like parched earth on a hot Texas summer it starved my soul of the pure clean living water that was mine.

It was a drought of receiving and giving the love that so desperately wanted to flow. But slowly, the dam broke. Not like a thunderstorm, but like a still small voice saying, “It Is Finished” you can stop now and rest.

Let the water flow by letting go of right and resting now, because, I Am. I am your right, I am their right, I Am. And out of my belly flows rivers of living water. Floods of restful being, washing every part. I will never thirst again.

Wynema Clark 12/22/2018

Commentary, Cross, Enjoy The Journey, Gospel, Life, Love, Ministry, Religion; spirituality, Uncategorized

We Are His House

My husband and I are blessed to own a great house in SA. We live in that house, pay for it and hire out repairs (we aren’t real good at that stuff) and care for the upkeep of it. If there is painting that needs to be done or a lawn that needs to be mowed Jeremy and I don’t blame the house, how silly would that be, we simply take care of it. We may rearrange things at times, remove walls or update the light fixtures. But that’s up to us not the house.

The verses below all say that you are God’s house. If you are God’s house what does that say about whose in charge of your care. You can rest in that! I just think about that and it gets my mojo goin!

Hebrews 3; 2 Corinthians 6;

1 Corinthians 6; Acts 7 & 17 1 Corinthians 3

Life, Love, Love Is Shown, Poetry

Where Love Is Shown

Love doesn’t highlight mistakes,

it redeemed them.

Love doesn’t point fingers at brokenness,

it embraced the broken.

Love doesn’t avoid the hurting,

It entered into it.

For God so loved the WORLD.

Not just our best and brightest

But our dirty and broken,

Our hidden and covered,

Our embarrassed, our shy

Our exposed and ashamed.

And leads us out into the wide open spaces of love and grace.

Where our eyes are opened

Where life is known

Where the lights comes on

Love is shown.

Cross, Gospel, Life, Love, Poetry, poetry; commentary, Religion; spirituality

Believing is Seeing

Formed in love

Created with breath

Believed into life

Redeemed out of death

Chosen and righteous

Whether I feel it or not

In my ups and downs

Your love hits the spot

I’m confident, strong and eternally blessed

Living by grace

In the midst of the mess

In weakness is strength

In sadness is peace

Enraptured by heaven

Your life is released

Flowing like rivers

Out of my being

Your life is mine

Believing is seeing

Wynema I Clark – 6-24-2018

Commentary, Insticts, Life, Love, Ministry, Religion; spirituality


I just heard the most awful sound. The high pitched squeal of a squirrel caught in the mouth of my sweet, but all too quick Bandit. I was mortified I was petrified, while he was basking in the adrenaline that comes from instincts fulfilled.

Between my sweet neighbor and I, we managed to free the little critter from his clutches. I had to call the vet because the sound of that squirrel goes against my nature. It was awful! But it’s completely within the realms of Bandit’s instincts. What he did was natural and to him it was a victory.

Here is the lesson! My instinct, my God given spiritual responses are to love, to speak peace, to do the next right thing. In an environment that tells us that our flesh rules and our emotions tell the truth, my spirit cries out LOVE. When that instinct is fulfilled I’m like Bandit, playful, I have that adrenaline rush and I know I’m walking in the life of my creator! Even when this world is saying NO and when lies are knocking at the door I will follow my God given instinct and LOVE and then run in the yard like a banshee!

How about that! ♥️♥️🤗

Commentary, Cross, Gospel, Life, Love, Religion; spirituality, Religious

Just Live

We over theologize. It’s actually really simple. I think it is us who require proof, explanation and experience. We spend lots of time and money to understand. We travel, we read, we study. Maybe it’s an American thing and it’s a good thing, but it’s really not necessary.

What if you don’t have access to all the resources or education? What if you can’t read or maybe you live in a country without religious freedom?

I’ve seen people in dire straights, desperate for help, who simple tell God I can’t, I give it to you, and He takes it and loves them as they slowly begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. People with no formal education and no means except for the simple ability to believe and they are transformed.

I’m convinced that it’s about relationship with a loving God who meets us where we are, we don’t have to find Him in an elaborate building or a well dressed speaker on a platform. Jesus made the way that simple. Do you believe?

We Americanized believers question our faith, our forgiveness, our walk, our church attendance, our clothing, when the heavenly standard was met in Christ, do you believe it? Then relax, have relationship and stop measuring God’s ability to love you by external measurements and open your eyes to see that He has been all along. Just live!

"It Is Finished", Cross, Gospel, Life, Love, Poetry

The Gift

He said, I have something for you,

Will you have it?

You receive the gift

You open it to find

Your first breath in new life

Clear, pure, organic

It’s as if you died

Only to wake up to eternity

But you’re still grounded

Strength with an eternal quality

Swimming in rivers of love

You look the same, but it’s different

It’s new, it’s otherworldly

In this single gift is everything

Absolutely everything

All you can think to say is,

Oh my gosh, thank you!

He smiles and you know

You’ve only just begun.

Wynema Clark 12-18-2017

Gospel, Life, Love, Religion; spirituality

Here’s to 2017

Here’s To 2017

This year has been full of challenges and a roller coaster ride of emotions. I have been put to the test in every possible realm and I remain completely dependent on JESUS.

I finish this year off with lessons I never knew I needed to know. Awakened to a love that I sometimes forget and asleep to anything that says I am not all that God created me to be.

I am stronger now in my Heavenly Father and I can see him doing in me what I cannot do on my own. Bit by bit I am learning that doing anything a part from Him is a failure before it even starts. But what I do is in Him and therefore I’m a victor before I see it complete.

My greatest struggles are the ones I want to control, such as my kids or my husband. I have learned that I have no control and the sooner I am good with that the less of a struggle I experience. I am not their answer, He is. And as long as I set my self up to be their answer, means the longer they wait to find that He is theirs as well. I’m just not that powerful.

This year I have become increasingly, painfully and blissfully aware that Christ is indeed the only life I have. Apart from Him I am nothing more than entertainment or a side show of good ideas and big talk.

I have become very content with the smell of honeysuckle on a spring walk, the satisfaction of a strong hug from my kids, or the unexpected clasp of my hand by Jeremy.

Every day is a reminder that “now” is all I have to work with. And in my “now” He is my great “I Am.” He has set me up from the beginning and it’s amazing to take advantage of that. 😉

Commentary, Cross, Gospel, Love, Ministry, Poetry, Religion; spirituality, Religious

Endings and Beginnings

Endings can be awful, just awful at the moment, but in that moment when you have come to that end it means something new, something fresh is at its beginning.

A new perspective, a new way of seeing things or of doing life. If you will stop trying to make something that has come to an end, continue.

You find yourself in that place where you’re yelling, “OH WRETCHED MAN THAT I AM, WHO CAN SAVE ME?”

God says, “I already did, through JESUS Christ your Lord”. He is saying, I’m here, will you trust ME this time? I have always been here letting you do it your way, because you were convinced it would work. Waiting patiently till you would come to the end of doing it all by yourself and you would finally give it me.

I love you, I sculpted you exactly as I wanted so that you could enjoy life as I walked through you on this earth. Relax, trust me, I will lead you with my eyes, to people and places that allow you to grow and thrive. Those battles you’re fighting I already won, put down your weapon and rest in Me.

Wynema Clark – 11/29/2017